RFH understands the importance that a person’s physical health can have on their mental well-being. It is for this reason that RFH has established a variety of physical and mental health programs to ensure our nation’s heroes have the access to the care they need post service.
RFH is excited to announce our plans to build a state-of-the-art Veteran Mental Health, TBI, and Substance Abuse clinic right outside of VIR’s main gates in Alton, VA. The RFH Precision Medical Center will host a variety of 15-, 30-, & 60-Day programs as we continue to battle veteran suicide epidemic. See below for more details.
RFH H&W Clinic Layout
RFH H&W Care Modalities
Racing for Heroes has a number of health and wellness elements within the overall Health and Wellness Program. We approach health and wellness from a holistic/functional approach to allow veterans to heal and rehabilitate to the the best of their ability.
Vitamin and Supplement Therapy
This program was born out of the personal need experiecned by our founder and retired US Army Specail Forces CW3, Mike Evock. The goal of the program is to optimize a veteran’s biochemistry to help address the root causes of chronic symptoms/conditions. By partnering with TRYBE Labs ©, RFH is able to collect extensive blood panels on each veteran participant which are then used by our providers to create a custom daily vitamin and supplement as well as physical fitness regemin.
This program has become the cornestone of RFH Health and Wellness as the results have been overwhelmingly positive. In fact, many of our veteran participants have been able to come off of several (and in some cases all) presrciption drugs that where associated with their chronic illnesses.
Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy
Your body’s tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to heal. HBOT works by flooding your body with increased oxygen. In a single hour of HBOT treatment, the body takes in about 2.4 pounds of oxygen into the tissue. This increases the oxygen level in the tissues 10 to 15 times that of the amount received through normal breathing.
General benefits of HBOT
- Promotes the growth of new blood vessels
- Decreases swelling and inflammation
- Deactivates toxins
- Increases the body’s ability to fight off infections
- Removes toxins and waste products
- Improves cognitive function
- Stimulates new capillary growth that can aid in simple wound healing
- Stimulates brain cells and increases the active firing of these cells
In March 2022 RFH commissioned an HBOT Chamber in our Health and Wellness Center. By having a HBOT chamber physically located at our Headquarters we are able to provide manny veterans with therapy that would otherwise not have access to it for their TBI, PTSD, and/or general health and wellness.
PTS Counseling
At Racing For Heroes, we have been through a series of institutional approaches to PTS remedies and have not only been on the receiving end but also researched and studied professionally to develop and implement new methods of care that we have proven effective in treating veterans.
RFH also leverages its Motorsports Therapy Program as a form of group therapy for veterans with great success. The time spent amongst fellow veteran brothers turning wrenches, racing cars, and enjoying each other’s camaraderie has in many cases been life saving for the veterans at RFH.
Physical Fitness
Identical to a race car, the body is a machine that must be maintained in order to operate to its fullest potential. This is why we not only have a fitness center at our current headquarters that is open to veterans but also why a custom daily fitness regemin is provided to every veteran participant in the RFH Health and Wellness Programs.
Symptoms based treatment | Treats underlying root |
Doctor Centered | Patient-Centered |
All receive the same treatment | Customized holistic approach |
Symptom-based diagnosis | Individual biochemical factors |
Disease-Oriented | Health-Oriented |
Specialized for a particular disease | Treats whole body |
RFH Vitamin and Supplement Store
Racing For Heroes partnered with Pure Encapsulations to offer discounted supplements to the public. Purchasing through the link below supports veterans and first responders. Thank you for helping us fight to end suicide among service members.